Burn Injuries are among the most prevalent types of trauma worldwide, with most injuries happening at home or in the workplace.
The Grossman Burn Centers are among the premier comprehensive burn facilities in the United States and have treated patients with burn injuries from around the world.
With over 45 years of experience developing and operating Burn Centers throughout the United States (ranging in size from 4 beds to 39 beds), GBC has the knowledge and skill to develop facilities that can add a much needed center of excellence to a hospital’s service lines. GBC’s focus is based on well-developed protocols and programs to achieve the best comprehensive outcomes for patients; functionally, cosmetically and emotionally. Additionally GBC can enhance the profile of its affiliated hospitals from a local and regional visibility perspective, marketing opportunities, direct economic gain and “halo” effect on the Emergency Department and other hospital services.
If you have a vision of providing a center of excellence that will benefit your community and your medical center, Grossman Burn Services can help you plan, develop, and open a burn center to fit your hospital size and capabilities. We can also serve as medical consultants until your facility is fully self-sufficient.

For more information or to contact a burn center near you Email Us.